I’m stuck behind my computer too often, so I try to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Usually that means I will be doing migration counts on De Vulkaan, one of the oldest and — imho — best migration count sites in The Netherlands. Sometimes you can find me counting in Scheveningen, on the beach in search of interesting gulls or near my hometown. In autumn I organize the Batumi Raptor Count and enjoy the fantastic raptor migration in the Batumi bottleneck.

I try to blog about my birding experiences regularly, the results of which you can find below. Beware: I like to post big, high-quality photos (and sometimes videos), so loading may take some time. Hopefully you find it worth it.

My posts are generally categorised based on the locations. If you want to see all the posts belonging to a certain category, use the links below


De Vulkaan

Land & Seabird Migration



Seabird Migration


Batumi Raptor Count

Raptor Migration

